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Our Services

Individually tailored mental training sessions that will help an athlete effectively deal with any psychological performance barriers, equip an athlete with integral life skills that will enhance athletic performance as well as holistic development. 

Group sessions for academies to work on the mental training routines of  athletes to improve performance efficiency, maintain consistent performance and enhance overall well-being. 

Sport Psychology Services 

Counselling Services

We offer counselling services to effectively overcome issues like stress management, relationship issues, self esteem issues, anxiety and other such topics. We adopt an eclectic approach to our counselling and use strictly scientific methods throughout the process of therapy. We aim to reach maximum individuals who are in need and de-stigmatise the taboo surrounding therapy and mental health. We firmly believe that to lead a healthy life, an individual should look at ones mental health equally crucially and we aim to assist you in this process. 

Career Counselling

We  offer career counselling services to the school and college population to help them choose the right careers suited for them and take an informed decision. We also offer these services to individuals who are facing challenges with their career progression as well as those who are undergoing job dissatisfaction. Our approach is individualised and we believe that "one shoe fits all" is a flawed concept when it comes to eminent decisions like one's career. 


We believe awareness is the key to lead a mentally healthy and balanced life. We conduct educational workshops tailored for  athletes, coaches, parents, to increase awareness about sport psychology. We also conduct workshops on mental health awareness, psycho-education, and our aim is to reach the masses where these resources are necessary. We also work with schools, colleges, the corporates population through customised seminars and workshops to educate them about mental health. 

To avail any of our services or for collaboration, please write to us and we'd be happy to answer all your queries. 

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